Wednesday, September 26, 2007

These ribs are made for walking!

Here's the sock so far. I really like the pattern--it's easy enough to do in front of the TV and it has enough going on not to be boring. Sharon is the winner so far, I think. She's done one sock and is on to the other!

Does anyone use the 2-socks-at-once method? I would love to learn that.


knitshopgirl said...

Kathleen, I can tell looking at your sock that the ribbing is great. I have started another pair and now I will start the ribbing pattern from Row 8 since I am knitting toe-up.

For all our Neighborhood Knit Shop girls, Do not forget Cat Bordhi's website Click on the picture of New Pathways for Sock Knitters.... Cat has a correction on the Little Sky Sock and most important she lists all the tutorials on youtube and they are great videos.

Anonymous said...


I knit my socks 2 at once toe up on magic loop. I'd be happy to show you how on Tuesday. :)